There are two options for programming Rosalind Lite, with varying levels of granularity and control over the features. This is an overview of the options, from simplest to most complex - details on how each options works can be found in the following sections.

Programming with a DMX Lighting Console

The simplest way to program Rosalind Lite is to connect directly with a lighting console of your choice. This allows you to create and save your snapshots to the buttons, but unless your console supports RDM, it does not support configuration of fade time, modes, or button colors.

Programming with an RDM Tool

Still simple to use, but with access to all of Rosalind Lite’s features, an RDM tool will allow you to change parameters like fade time, device modes, and button colors. You can quickly set the parameters, then switch over to your RDM tool’s DMX mode to set snapshots, or switch to a console to set the looks.